Happy Birthday to ‘Homemade by Fleur’! Today one year ago I clicked publish on my very first post. Looking back, I’m actually very proud of what I had to say back then considering so much has changed in a single year. It is a cracking recipe and I’m planning to make some more of my pumpkin pie this weekend. I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me and my blog in the last year. My family, (husband and brother and children get a special mention here) my friends, fellow bloggers and of course my readers. Without you all this blog would not happen.
Highlights have got be be:
To celebrate I thought it was very appropriate to make a cake. This cake may look quite simple compared to others that I have done, but it is actually one of my biggest achievements. It was my first attempt to bake something allergy friendly for my little boy who I found out recently is allergic to a whole list of things. He is responding really well to his rather restricted diet and to see him with more energy and much happier just makes the extra effort for his diet completely worth it one hundred times over. He has not been sick for a month!! Before it was 2-3 times a day during a bad spell. I can’t tell you how relieved I feel to see him getting better. Believe it or not, these brownies are egg, dairy, wheat, soy and nut free. When I put the mixture in the oven, I really did not know how they were going to turn out. I just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. But look, they came out so well and have gone down a storm with the family. It has given me so much more confidence to try other things now, and so it has to be the perfect cake to share with you on my first ‘blogiversary’ It signifies how far I have come not only with my baking but with this blog in a short time. So here is the recipe. A big cheers to you all and here is to another year of adventures for Homemade by Fleur. xxx
Allergy Friendly Brownies
(makes approx 20 brownies depening on the size you cut them up)
- 2 tsp egg replacer
- 3 tbsp camp coffee essence
- 1 tbsp water
- 215g gluten free flour (I used Bob’s Red Mill baking flour)
- 2.5 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp xanthan gum
- 210g caster sugar
- 50g cocoa
- 100ml veg oil
- 200ml rice milk
- 2 tbsp vanilla extract
How to Make
- Pre heat the oven to 180c and grease and line a medium sized brownie tin (mine was 8″ width x 11″ length)
- Mix the egg replacer, camp and water together in a small bowl until smooth and then leave for 5 mins
- Add the reset of the ingredients to a bowl along with the egg replacer mixture at the end and stir with a big wooden spoon, (my four year old loved doing this bit)
- Pour mixture into baking tray and cook for 30-35 mins
- Cool and enjoy